Empowering Whippets 21st CCLC Program
Varnum Public Schools has been awarded the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers 5-year federal grant for pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students. The program, called Empowering Whippets, provides $300,000 each year for three years with an option for $240,000 each year for years four and five during the life of the grant.
Empowering Whippets serves approximately 150 - 175 students per year through before and after-school programs and summer programs. Empowering Whippets helps students meet state and local standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math, and offer students a broad array of enrichment activities that complements their regular academic programs. Empowering Whippets also offers literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children. Additionally, students receive the opportunity to take field trips to exciting new places like The Sam Noble Natural History Museum and The Oklahoma Aquarium.
Summer Program
The 2022 summer program will begin on May 23rd and end on June 30th. Summer program hours are from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Fridays/Saturdays are scheduled field trips and may run until 3:30 or after. Details about field trips are sent home the week of the field trip.
Please call the school at 405-382-1408 with questions or contact the Empowering Whippets Program Director Gaylan Parsons directly at GParsons@varnum.k12.ok.us.

The pictures above and below highlight some of the skills that Varnum students have been learning in their summer program. Students have learned how to cook, how to create unique art projects, how to make their own baskets, what the lifecycle of a butterfly looks like, and MUCH more! The photos also show students on various educational field trips taken throughout the summer program.

Pictured Below : Students enjoyed learning about ocean life at The Oklahoma Aquarium!